We are travelling back to Ipswich 3rd class. A necessity brought on by overcrowding on the 7o'clock train. Both my companion (who is knitting a rather bad scarf) and I are perspiring slightly after being forced to run a brisk 400 yards past all the (empty) first class carriages. Monika passed over a large wheeled case at the café. Business done we had a pleasant chat about cats, holidays and the next series of shows to be held at her gallery on Cambridge Heath Road "Stardust Boogie Woogie". Following this we made a brief visit to an art suppliers and then went on to see Rachel Harrison's exhibition at the Whitechapel. Upon entering we were accosted by a gang of hired barkeeps who insisted we drink bourbon. I do not know if this was meant to improve our experience but to my mind the installation of colourful anthills and tat was joyful enough not to need any artificial enhancement. The highlight of my day however was the discovery of a tastefully reticent Whitstable Biennale flyer here modelled by my companion.
-- posted abroad
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